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Field 028: Spanish
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Section Two of this test is a reading section with multiple-choice questions followed by four answer choices. Read each question and answer choice CAREFULLY and select the ONE best answer.

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Objective 003—Derive information from a variety of authentic materials, written in Spanish, representing interpersonal and presentational modes.

Lea con cuidado el pasaje de La Regenta (1884–85) de Clarín y luego conteste las dos preguntas que siguen.

Uno de los recreos solitarios de don Fermín de Pas consistía en subir a las alturas. Era montañés, y por instinto buscaba las cumbres de los montes y los campanarios de las iglesias. En todos los países que había visitado había subido a la montaña más alta, y si no las había, a la más soberbia torre. No se daba por enterado de cosa que no viese a vista de pájaro, abarcándola por completo y desde arriba. [...] En la provincia, cuya capital era Vetusta, abundaban por todas partes montes de los que se pierden entre nubes; [...] Cuanto más subía más ansiaba subir: en vez de fatiga sentía fiebre que les daba vigor de acero a las piernas y aliento de fragua a los pulmones. Llegar a lo más alto era un triunfo voluptuoso para de Pas. Ver muchas leguas de tierra, columbrar el mar lejano, contemplar a sus pies a los pueblos como si fueran juguetes, [...] eran intensos placeres de su espíritu altanero, que de Pas se procuraba siempre que podía. [...] Lo que sentía en presencia de la heroica ciudad era gula; hacia su anatomía, no como el fisiólogo que sólo quiere estudiar, sino como el gastrónomo que busca los bocados apetitosos.

4. ¿Qué rasgo de la personalidad del cura don Fermín se destaca en esta descripción?

  1. Su gusto por el ejercicio físico extenuante y la salud corporal plena.
  2. Su afán de alma viajera por conocer una gran variedad de lugares.
  3. Su necesidad de aislarse en las montañas para elevar su espíritu.
  4. Su deleite en conquistar y absorber la grandiosidad de su entorno.
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Correct Response: D.

5. ¿Qué efecto tiene el esfuerzo físico de la escalada en don Fermín?

  1. Le da una sensación de ansiedad muy angustiosa.
  2. Se siente extraordinariamente revitalizado.
  3. Se le corta la respiración debido al agotamiento.
  4. Le acometen accesos de fiebre que lo debilitan mucho.
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Correct Response: B.

Objective 004—Apply skills of inference to a variety of authentic materials, written in Spanish, representing interpersonal and presentational modes.

Lea con cuidado el pasaje y luego conteste las dos preguntas que siguen.


Muchas gracias por tomar el tiempo hoy para visitar el primer esfuerzo de nuestra compañía en el mundo electrónico. Nuestra compañía se inició con sólo una mujer, un taller y un sueño; hoy emplea a más de 200 personas, y estamos muy orgullosos de ofrecer una gran variedad de juguetes de madera de gran calidad, que están a disponibles y pueden ser apreciados por todo el mundo.

Esperamos que explore nuestro catálogo a plenitud. Ud. puede presionar el ratón sobre cualquier imagen para ampliarla y obtener una vista mejor de nuestros productos. Hemos tratado de incluir fotografías de nuestros juguetes desde todos los ángulos, pero también sabemos que una foto no puede captar lo que se siente al tener un juguete bien hecho en la mano o al entregárselo a un niño sonriente. Si Ud. prefiere manipular y experimentar nuestros productos en persona, está cordialmente invitado a visitar nuestra tienda y talleres aquí en Salamanca. Si vive muy lejos, nos complacería sobremanera conversar con Ud. acerca de nuestros productos por teléfono, correo electrónico o mensajería instantánea.

Agradeciendo su atención y esperando oír de Ud. pronto,

- Virginia

6. ¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones describe mejor la relación entre Virginia y las personas a las cuales este mensaje va dirigido?

  1. Ella es la jefa y ellos son sus empleados.
  2. Ella es la jefa de la compañía y ellos son sus clientes.
  3. Ella es periodista y ellos son el tema de un artículo.
  4. Ella es vendedora y ellos son sus proveedores.
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Correct Response: B.

7. ¿Dónde sería más probable leer este mensaje?

  1. en un panfleto publicitario
  2. en la pantalla de una computadora
  3. en las páginas de un periódico
  4. en un letrero en la calle
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Correct Response: B.


Objective 005—Demonstrate knowledge of the grammatical and syntactic structures of Spanish.

8. Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence below.

Te escribiré aunque short blank que dejar de trabajar.

  1. tengo
  2. tuve
  3. tenga
  4. teniendo
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Correct Response: C.

9. Choose the question that best completes the passage below.

¿Cuándo es tu próxima cita con el dentista?

  1. ¿En el lunes o en el miércoles?
  2. ¿El lunes o el miércoles?
  3. ¿En lunes o en miércoles?
  4. ¿Los lunes o los miércoles?
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Correct Response: B.

10. Choose the sentence that shows the correct use of the preposition por.

  1. Víctor es muy alto por su edad.
  2. Montserrat tiene mucho trabajo por salir esta noche.
  3. Angelina va a pasar por tu casa a las diez.
  4. Joaquín espera por conocer a tus parientes.
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Correct Response: C.

Objective 006—Understand the similarities and differences between English and Spanish.

11. In which of the following Spanish words would the letter r be pronounced with a strong trilled sound that is not used in English?

  1. primero
  2. rutina
  3. caro
  4. pero
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Correct Response: B.


Objective 007—Understand the products and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures.

12. The modernist experimentation of twentieth-century Latin American novelists such as Alejo Carpentier, Isabel Allende, and Gabriel García Márquez is most frequently characterized by:

  1. narrative strategies that combine fantastic and mythical elements with realistic story lines.
  2. efforts to explore the effect of industrialization on societies and individuals.
  3. linguistic strategies that make extensive use of detached and impersonal language.
  4. efforts to define national identities through the exploration of nationalist themes.
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Correct Response: A.

13. The Spanish painter Francisco Goya (1746–1828) is best known for his efforts to:

  1. portray the cultural diversity of Spain's various regions.
  2. depict major historical upheavals of the period in which he lived.
  3. portray the natural beauty of the Spanish countryside.
  4. depict the achievements of Spain during the early modern era.
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Correct Response: B.

Objective 008—Understand the practices (e.g., political and economic practices, practices of daily life and communication) and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures.

14. Since the late twentieth century, the practice in Spain of taking a two- to three-hour break for lunch and a nap has become less common. Which of the following best describes a major reason for this change?

  1. The use of air conditioning in modern Spanish businesses makes it unnecessary to take an extended break from work during the heat of the day.
  2. The noon meal has replaced the midafternoon dinner as the main meal of the day in many Spanish families.
  3. The interrupted day is incompatible with Spain's integration into the Global economy and the work schedules of people with long urban commutes.
  4. An increase in the length of the workday in most Spanish businesses has left little time for such extended breaks.
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Correct Response: C.

15. Costa Rica's extensive biological and geographic diversity is a major reason for the:

  1. strong national commitment to environmental protection.
  2. tendency of many people to identify more strongly with their local community than with the nation.
  3. country's low levels of population growth and internal migration.
  4. common belief that Costa Rica is the most advanced country in Central America.
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Correct Response: A.


Objective 009—Understand processes of language acquisition.

16. Which of the following best describes an affective factor that might have a negative impact on a student's acquisition of a new language?

  1. The society in which the student lives places a low value on the target language and cultures in which it is spoken.
  2. The sound system of the student's first language is very different from the sound system of the target language.
  3. The student has difficulty retaining new information, such as target language vocabulary words, in long-term memory.
  4. The target language class in which the student is enrolled is conducted primarily in the student's first language.
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Correct Response: A.

Objective 010—Understand principles and practices of instruction in the language classroom.

17. A middle school teacher of Spanish learns that four heritage speakers will be enrolled in her upcoming beginning-level Spanish class. In considering instructional approaches for this class, it is most important for the teacher to keep in mind that the heritage speakers:

  1. may be overqualified to be in a beginning-level class and will require supplemental activities from the first day.
  2. come from diverse cultural backgrounds and can have varying oral proficiency and literacy skills in Spanish.
  3. may be teacher's aides that can be called upon to model Spanish pronunciation and usage for nonheritage learners in the class.
  4. will make the best progress if they work by themselves in a mini-group rather than work with the class as a whole.
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Correct Response: B.

Objective 011—Understand the integration of standards into language curriculum and instruction.

18. When designing instruction that reflects the goals of the national K–12 Standards for Foreign Language Learning, it is most important for a Spanish teacher to keep in mind that:

  1. students' needs and preferences should guide the choice of which standards should be emphasized in any given class.
  2. the interpretive mode of the communication standard should take precedence over the interpersonal and presentational modes.
  3. instruction of the culture, connections, comparisons, and communities standards should be embedded within the study of the language.
  4. students' mastery of each of the standards should be measured against the progress indicators given for their grade level.
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Correct Response: C.

Objective 012—Understand principles and practices of assessment in the language classroom.

19. A high school Spanish teacher asks students to assemble a portfolio of their homework, projects, assignments, journal entries, audio and video recordings, and other work that they completed during a particular grading period. The teacher then schedules individual conferences with students to review and discuss their portfolios and to plan future focal points in their language learning. Which of the following best describes the primary benefit of this assessment approach?

  1. It furthers students' critical thinking and develops their autonomy as learners.
  2. It provides benchmarks for determining the teacher's goals and objectives.
  3. It gives the teacher appropriate feedback for her own professional growth.
  4. It yields objective, quantitative data for impartial student evaluation.
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Correct Response: A.

Objective 013—Understand the role of a teacher as a professional.

20. A new Spanish teacher is looking for information about instructional strategies for teaching students with various special needs in the language classroom. The teacher will have a few gifted/talented students and a few students with language or learning disorders in the general classroom population. The teacher could best prepare for these students by consulting which of the following resources?

  1. professional journals about language teaching
  2. a teacher who is serving as a mentor at the school
  3. school specialists who work with special populations
  4. pedagogy texts from the school's teaching library
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Correct Response: C.