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Study Guide

Field 057: Speech and Language Impaired
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Objective 003
Understand normal communication development.

1. Which of the following language behaviors typically emerges when children in the preoperational stage begin to engage in social play?

  1. echolalic speech
  2. mimicking intonation patterns demonstrated by others
  3. metaphorical speech
  4. taking turns in conversation
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Correct Response: D.


Objective 011
Understand the hearing mechanism.

2. In the hearing process, the nerve endings of the auditory nerve are directly stimulated by:

  1. waves in the fluid of the cochlea.
  2. the movements of the stapes.
  3. waves in the fluid of the semicircular canals.
  4. the movements of the malleus.
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Correct Response: A.

Objective 015
Understand speech and language impairments associated with structural, neuromuscular, and neurological disabilities.

3. A five-year-old student has had a cleft of the hard and soft palate with a unilateral cleft extending into the alveolar ridge and lip surgically repaired. Which of the following voice impairments is this student most likely to experience?

  1. dysphonia
  2. hyponasality
  3. diplophonia
  4. hypernasality
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Correct Response: D.

Objective 018
Understand the characteristics of language differences and language impairments.

4. An elementary student who has limited English proficiency or who speaks nonstandard English should most likely be evaluated for a true language impairment if the:

  1. student exhibits reticence and anxiety during read-alouds and class discussions.
  2. student's family members and friends report difficulty in understanding the student.
  3. student performs one to two grade levels below English-proficient peers in several academic areas.
  4. student's teacher reports that the student is having difficulty learning strategies for effective nonverbal communication.
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Correct Response: B.


Objective 022
Understand speech and language assessment instruments and methods.

5. In language assessment, a major advantage of using naturalistic observation rather than standardized testing is that naturalistic observation provides greater information about:

  1. the types of interventions that are likely to be effective for the student's particular disorder.
  2. particular speech and hearing disorders that may be contributing to the student's language disorder.
  3. the student's understanding of language as a system of communication.
  4. the severity of the student's language disorder in comparison to those of other students.
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Correct Response: C.

Objective 029
Identify procedures for conducting a comprehensive speech and language evaluation.

6. Before conducting an initial comprehensive speech and language evaluation of a child, a public school is required to:

  1. allow the parents to obtain a second opinion at the school's expense.
  2. receive written consent to evaluate the child from the child's parent or guardian.
  3. hold an IEP conference that includes the multidisciplinary evaluation team and the child's parent or guardian.
  4. implement a remedial program prior to seeking clinical input.
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Correct Response: B.


Objective 034
Apply intervention strategies for students with voice impairments.

7. An appropriate educational goal for a student with vocal nodules and laryngeal tension would be to:

  1. increase velopharyngeal function through the use of nonspeech activities.
  2. use glottal attack and Froeschal's pushing exercises at will in structured settings.
  3. increase speech volume during oral tasks in classroom activities.
  4. use easy onset and relaxed speech production in a structured therapeutic setting.
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Correct Response: D.

Objective 036
Apply intervention strategies for students with disorders of expressive language.

8. For a kindergarten or first grade student who has difficulty in expression as a result of a severe language impairment, the most appropriate early intervention strategy would focus on efforts to increase the student's:

  1. production of target language structures through repetition and drill.
  2. naming skills through picture labeling and vocabulary building exercises.
  3. use of functional communication skills during typical daily interactions and experiences.
  4. retention of social phrases using daily memory and recall exercises.
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Correct Response: C.


Objective 043
Understand methods of communicating with and counseling the families of students with speech and language impairments.

9. Which of the following methods would generally be most effective and appropriate for a teacher to use in coordinating speech and language techniques used in the school with those used at home?

  1. sending suggestions for home activities and strategies that reinforce classroom instruction to parents or guardians on a regular basis
  2. providing a workshop on parents' night to review a variety of therapeutic techniques
  3. requesting that the students be evaluated regularly by a speech pathologist to determine if carryover is successful
  4. offering to provide parents and guardians with professional journals and inviting them to workshops and conferences pertaining to speech and language services
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Correct Response: A.

Objective 044
Demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences among students and their families.

10. A student whose cultural background differs from the school's majority culture is being evaluated to determine whether there is a need for special education services. The evaluation is most likely to yield accurate results if members of the evaluation team:

  1. use only informal observation assessment results.
  2. exclude the student's culture as a relevant factor in assessment.
  3. are familiar with the student's home culture.
  4. use only standardized assessment results.
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Correct Response: C.